Clip art of a boy wearing blue pants, a green shirt, and a big smile, with his arms outstretched, ready for school.
This image is free to use in your web site or project subject to our terms of service. Click the image to download a larger free version in JPG format. Or, you can download the hi-res version for $4 which provides the image in hi-resolution, in JPG, GIF, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator formats.
Category: People clip art, School clip art

Clip art of an assortment of colorful red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, and brown crayons.
This image is free to use in your web site or project subject to our terms of service. Click the image to download a larger free version in JPG format. Or, you can download the hi-res version for $4 which provides the image in hi-resolution, in JPG, GIF, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator formats.
Category: Objects clip art, School clip art

Clip art of a girl wearing a yellow skirt, a pink shirt, and pink shoes with her arms outstretched, ready for school.
This image is free to use in your web site or project subject to our terms of service. Click the image to download a larger free version in JPG format. Or, you can download the hi-res version for $4 which provides the image in hi-resolution, in JPG, GIF, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator formats.
Category: People clip art, School clip art

Clip art of a graduation portrait of a young lady wearing her cap and gown.
This image is free to use in your web site or project subject to our terms of service. Click the image to download a larger free version in JPG format. Or, you can download the hi-res version for $4 which provides the image in hi-resolution, in JPG, GIF, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator formats.
Category: Graduation clip art, School clip art

Clip art of a young man wearing academic regalia and holding up a diploma.
This image is free to use in your web site or project subject to our terms of service. Click the image to download a larger free version in JPG format. Or, you can download the hi-res version for $4 which provides the image in hi-resolution, in JPG, GIF, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator formats.
Category: Graduation clip art, School clip art

Clip art of children’s laptop computer.
This image is free to use in your web site or project subject to our terms of service. Click the image to download a larger free version in JPG format. Or, you can download the hi-res version for $4 which provides the image in hi-resolution, in JPG, GIF, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator formats.
Category: Computer clip art, Math clip art, Objects clip art, School clip art

Clip art of green laptop computer displaying math problems.
This image is free to use in your web site or project subject to our terms of service. Click the image to download a larger free version in JPG format. Or, you can download the hi-res version for $4 which provides the image in hi-resolution, in JPG, GIF, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator formats.
Category: Computer clip art, Math clip art, Objects clip art, School clip art

Clip art of a pair of triangles, a mechanical pencil, and a graph for math or engineering.
This image is free to use in your web site or project subject to our terms of service. Click the image to download a larger free version in JPG format. Or, you can download the hi-res version for $4 which provides the image in hi-resolution, in JPG, GIF, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator formats.
Category: Math clip art, School clip art

Clip art of a sleepy student napping at his desk
This image is free to use in your web site or project subject to our terms of service. Click the image to download a larger free version in JPG format. Or, you can download the hi-res version for $4 which provides the image in hi-resolution, in JPG, GIF, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator formats.
Category: School clip art

Clip art of a girl student in a white blouse and red skirt wearing a plaid headband and waving
This image is free to use in your web site or project subject to our terms of service. Click the image to download a larger free version in JPG format. Or, you can download the hi-res version for $4 which provides the image in hi-resolution, in JPG, GIF, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator formats.
Category: School clip art

Clip art of a boy sitting on a stool at a desk using a desktop computer with CPU, monitor, mouse, and keyboard
This image is free to use in your web site or project subject to our terms of service. Click the image to download a larger free version in JPG format. Or, you can download the hi-res version for $4 which provides the image in hi-resolution, in JPG, GIF, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator formats.
Category: Computer clip art, School clip art

Clip art of three ballpoint stick pens in blue, red, and black
This image is free to use in your web site or project subject to our terms of service. Click the image to download a larger free version in JPG format. Or, you can download the hi-res version for $4 which provides the image in hi-resolution, in JPG, GIF, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator formats.
Category: School clip art

a pink crayon or eraser with a heart on it
This image is free to use in your web site or project subject to our terms of service. Click the image to download a larger free version in JPG format. Or, you can download the hi-res version for $4 which provides the image in hi-resolution, in JPG, GIF, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator formats.
Category: School clip art

Clip art of a blue mechanical pencil with orange pocket clip
This image is free to use in your web site or project subject to our terms of service. Click the image to download a larger free version in JPG format. Or, you can download the hi-res version for $4 which provides the image in hi-resolution, in JPG, GIF, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator formats.
Category: School clip art

Clip art of a boy student wearing a monogrammed blue blazer and red trousers and glasses
This image is free to use in your web site or project subject to our terms of service. Click the image to download a larger free version in JPG format. Or, you can download the hi-res version for $4 which provides the image in hi-resolution, in JPG, GIF, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator formats.
Category: School clip art